عدد المنتجات ناقص حيث وصلتني ٢٢ قطعه بينما طلبي هو ٢٥ قطعه ، بالإضافة إلى جودتها السيئة جداً فبعضها لامع والآخر مهمش دون لمعه وكأنها مستخدمه جميعها ، غير ان التغليف لم يكن سوى على ٣ قطع فقط ... كرماً تعويضي واعادة المنتجات لكم بأسرع وقت ممكن وتؤسفني التجربة السيئة جداً من متجركم
The number of products is incomplete, as I received 22 pieces while my order was 25 pieces, in addition to their very poor quality, as some of them are shiny and others are marginal without shine, as if they were all used, except that the packaging was only on 3 pieces... As a generosity, I will compensate you and return the products to you as quickly as possible, and I regret it. Very bad experience from your store